Call for Papers: Special issue in HR&ILD on relationship between HR and IHL

The theme of this special edition of the Journal of Human Rights and International Legal Discourse is the relationship between international humanitarian law and international human rights law. This is a topic that has prompted considerable academic debate ever since the Geneva Conventions and Universal Declaration of Human rights were drafted in the late 1940s. More information on this topic can be found in the CfP-pdf.

Submissions are welcomed on the following broad themes:-

1. Which rules and legal principles should determine whether international humanitarian law or international human rights law applies in a specific situation?
2. An operational military perspective on the relationship between international human rights law and international humanitarian law;
3. The manner in which the relationship between international human rights law and international humanitarian law manifests itself in international criminal law jurisprudence;
4. The role of international human rights law vis-a-vis international humanitarian law in special operations abroad;
5. The relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law and new methods of warfare e.g. cyberwarfare;
6. Human rights law and international humanitarian law vis-à-vis a-typical conflict situations, (transnational) terrorist groups and/or transnational armed conflicts;
7. The relevance of the relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law when it comes to non-State actors, such as armed groups or transnational corporations;
8. A regional perspective on the relationship between international human rights law and international humanitarian law (e.g. European Court of Human Rights);
9. The role of international human rights law in the developing customary international law that applies in armed conflicts (international and non-international).
Other themes are also welcome.

Timeline for special issue Call for papers:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 July 2017
Green light for papers: 15 August 2017
Deadline for full papers: 1 December 2017
Feedback to authors: 6th February 2018
Issue delivered to publisher by editors: 24th April 2018
Publication of special issue: 15th May 2018
These dates are estimations and may be subject to change.


For submissions and questions relating to this edition please contact both:
Katharine Fortin at and Steven Dewulf at