Author: mcdewulf

2018 Law & Development Research Network PhD course

LDRN Law & Development Research Network PhD course 2018 Åbo Akademi University Finland organizes a PhD Course for the Law & Development Research Network. It will take place in Åbo, Finland, from 11 till 15 June 2018. Background The position and empowerment of vulnerable individuals, as well as issues related to equality and non-discrimination are central to many branches of the law and development research field. Such research addresses, for…

Call for Papers: Special issue in HR&ILD on relationship between HR and IHL

The theme of this special edition of the Journal of Human Rights and International Legal Discourse is the relationship between international humanitarian law and international human rights law. This is a topic that has prompted considerable academic debate ever since the Geneva Conventions and Universal Declaration of Human rights were drafted in the late 1940s. More information on this topic can be found in the CfP-pdf. Submissions are welcomed on…

A view from the Global South – Research Conference 2017

The conference The 2017 Law and Development Research Conference, hosted by the Law and Development Research Group, University of Antwerp, will focus on perspectives from the Global South on the field of Law and Development. It is a first attempt to establish a North-South dialogue around three topics: sustainable development, the protection of vulnerable groups, and the need to use innovation and technology transfer for the benefit of vulnerable groups….

Lecture Series 2017

The postgraduate programme in Sustainable Development and Human Rights Law welcomes you to its 2017 Law and Development Lecture Series. Each year we invite experts passionate about their research to take part in a series of public lectures. Please join us in this academic journey and be part of the conversation, share your insights, opinions, and find common ground with students and faculty members.

Critical Interdisciplinary Course on Children’s Rights (CICCR)

We are happy to announce that application for the Critical Interdisciplinary Course on Children’s Rights (CICCR) are open at The course will take place in Ghent from August 28th until September 9th 2016. CICCR maps the potential and limits of a children’s rights approach towards global and local issues concerning the human rights of children. Key themes include a multidisciplinary introduction to children’s rights, contextualizing children’s rights in (local)…

European Law and Development Research Conference 2016

About the conference ‘Law and development’, a field that once enjoyed strong momentum in research and policy-making, appears today to have broadened its scope but also to have become increasingly fragmented across various areas of law, including human rights law, law and governance, investment and trade law, environmental law, security law and socio-legal research. The purpose of the conference is: to document the scope of law and development research in…